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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” (Prov 3:5)

Dear Family and Friends,

I have two dates coming up for you to keep in mind.

Thursday 5/31 I need to go in for a biopsy because the drug company needs a larger tissue sample than we have on hand.  They’re going to take out a lymph node in my armpit that looks enlarged on the PET scan.  I’m told it will be local anesthesia and that the surgery will be guided by ultrasound.  This lymph node is either deep in there or it doesn’t feel enlarged to the touch.  I know this because a lot of people have been touching my armpits lately and saying things like, “They feel great,” or “…fine,” or “…okay.”  Veins and armpits.  That’s mostly what I get complimented on.  Fun fact: when Betty, now 14, was a toddler, she called them “armpeeps,” so that’s usually what we call them around here.  If I see that phlebotomist again and she tries to touch my armpits, I’m going to say, “If you don’t mind, I prefer that you refer to them as my armpeeps,” and see if I can get her to crack a smile.  I’ll keep you posted on that.

Tuesday 6/5 is the 22nd anniversary of my commissioning as a Marine officer.  We’re going to celebrate with my first 7-hour treatment infusion.  I’m thinking of bringing a bluetooth speaker and playing Sousa marches the entire time we’re in the infusion center, just to motivate everyone in their work.  Good call?

This Memorial Day weekend, I am remembering my brother Marines Kevin Nave, Ray Mendoza, Tom Budrejko, Jason Meiners, and Rick Gannon.  They are American heroes who died in the service of our country and with whom I had the honor to serve.  You can look them up and read their stories online.  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may the Perpetual Light shine upon them.

With fortitude and prayers for you,
